
Brendan Alvino '24 Brendan Alvino, 24岁Brendan Alvino’s internship with the Miami Dolphins is the first step in what he hopes is a long career in professional sports.

As a video production intern, Alvino ’24 assists with filming team practices, 工作室拍摄, field location shoots and subject-driven features, as well as in the editing and production of video content and motion graphics for the Dolphins’ 硬石体育场 and its partners, which has helped him familiarize himself with industry-standard equipment and software. The video team also collaborates with the social media and creative teams of the Miami Dolphins to brainstorm and develop creative concepts for video projects.

“The Miami Dolphins’ internet presence show that they are one of the most talented groups of creatives in the country, and the opportunity to learn from them is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,阿尔维诺说.

Alvino entered his internship with plenty experience of his own. A 体育媒体 major with a minor in 市场营销, he has worked closely with River Hawks Athletics to promote Susquehanna’s Division III teams. He credits the immediate hands-on experience and small class sizes within the 通信 department with preparing him for his experience with the Miami Dolphins.

“From Day One at Susquehanna, I was challenged with things in the editing room, production studio and classroom that I may not have gotten until later years elsewhere,阿尔维诺说, 拿撒勒的, 宾西法尼亚. “This internship is preparing me to work for high-level organizations with large teams. I will be better prepared for things such as project management, organization and constructive criticism.”

毕业后, Alvino hopes to work for a company and team such as the Miami Dolphins – in video production, 社交媒体或 通信.

“I want to work for an organization that seeks to push creative boundaries and produce the best content for their clients or fan base,他说. “My background at Susquehanna has thankfully prepared me for a career outside sports as well, whether it be entertainment, amusement or elsewhere.”

Learn more about Susquehanna’s Department of Communications